Friday, April 19, 2013

Telfair Artful Table Luncheon at the Jepson Centre and the Telfair Academy, Savannah GA

In the beginning of April we had the honour of catering the luncheon for the Telfair Artful Table following the lecture at the Savannah Theatre.  The Telfair Artful Table is a fundraiser for the Telfair Museums that is organised by the Telfair Academy Guild - a very hard working group of women!  Various committees were involved in the luncheon and they all did a stellar job.

Due to the high guest count, guests were seated in both the Jepson Centre – surrounded by the beautiful vignettes which were still on display, and in the Telfair Academy.  A beautiful light mint green tablecloth was used – which was perfect for spring.  As the theme of this year’s Telfair Artful Table was ‘Chairs by Design’, various small chairs and lovely vases of flowers were used for the centerpieces.  It really looked lovely.

I really liked the green and white.

To keep with the lightness of the set up, we used glass plates and silver flatware.  I thought the tables really looked lovely.

The lunch was preset, so we had to come up with an entrĂ©e that would stand up to sitting out for a little while before guests ate.  We decided to do a Bistro Plate comprised of three different elements:  Individual leek and onion tartlets, rocket salad tossed with white wine vinegar and chilled tomato and sweet pepper soup shots. 

I am not a big fan of pie and cake for dessert, but wanted to do a dessert that was light and suited to spring.  I have a wonderful Mango Pie that I sometimes make, so I thought why not make a Mango mousse for dessert?  Our chef is a talented baker and pastry chef – the mousse she made was a light as a feather!  We served it with a coconut crisp for a different texture – and who does not like mango and coconut together!


  1. Loved your spring plated meal Cynthia...especially the mango and coconut dessert, one of my favorite flavor combinations!

  2. The onion tartlets with the tomato soup shots sound very good to me! Also the Mango and Coconut dessert!! Last year the green and white theme was so big in my market. Looks like it's going to be again. Lovely!

    1. We had so many compliments for the guests! The tiny chairs and flowers as the centre pieces were also such a hit.
